As a key element of an overall improvement project focused on increasing traffic capacity along the I-70 corridor between Ward Road and 32nd Avenue, this highly congested intersection required extensive improvements. These included additional left turn lanes at all four legs, right turn acceleration and deceleration lanes on three legs, improved handicap access, traffic signals to accommodate the additional laneage, new retaining walls along and beneath I-70, and improvements to the stormwater conveyance system. The design was completed through close coordination and partnership with the City of Wheat Ridge and oversight from CDOT and the Federal Highway Administration.
As a key element of an overall improvement project focused on increasing traffic capacity along the I-70 corridor between Ward Road and 32nd Avenue, this highly congested intersection required extensive improvements. These included additional left turn lanes at all four legs, right turn acceleration and deceleration lanes on three legs, improved handicap access, traffic signals to accommodate the additional laneage, new retaining walls along and beneath I-70, and improvements to the stormwater conveyance system. The design was completed through close coordination and partnership with the City of Wheat Ridge and oversight from CDOT and the Federal Highway Administration.
Owner: City of Wheat Ridge
Completion: 2012
Construction Cost: $23M